Friday, April 20, 2012

Peacherino Monthly 9!!

Peacherino Monthly
A newsletter for Christian homeschoolers
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This is a very exciting time of year.  The weather is warming up; the temperature is going from chilly and brisk to warm and sunny.  Leaves and flowers are budding on the trees; the grass is greening rapidly, and growing just as fast.  Step outside and you will catch the scent of freshly mown grass, the smell of charcoal and hotdogs cooking on the grill, hear the gentle hum of a distant lawn mower.  And if you live where I do, you get to watch the enormous tractors plowing the empty cornfields and sowing new seeds.  Yes, Spring is quite thrilling.  And in its beauty, we can discern a story.

The progression of the seasons does tell a story, if you know where to look for it.  Think about it.  Start with Spring: life.  Spring tells the story of birth, young animation, and gradual, beautiful maturity.  Summer rolls around, and we see a full-grown existence.  The verdure is fully grown, and warm sunny days are in their prime.  Then comes Autumn.  We see the slow decay of life.  Gradually, living things pass away.  The trees become bare, and the days cool rapidly.  Finally, winter.  Winter is the story of death.  Green is a thing of the past, a color of bygone imagination, too far away to remember and intangible to comprehend.  Wouldn’t it be sad if the development and evolution of the seasons ended here?  It would be a sorrowful thing if death were the end of all, the final part of the act, the last leg of the journey.  Life would have no meaning, there would be nothing to pursue.  But there is spring again.  Spring seemed so far away that it might never have come.  But of course, as always, it does.  Life is in the air again.  More hot dogs and grass clippings.  And the cycle goes on.  It’s a beautiful story, and, I think, a familiar one.

Along with the miraculous beauty of spring comes several holidays.  These holidays tell the story of deterioration, death, and then new life.  On Good Friday, we observe the death of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.  For crimes he didn’t commit, Jesus was nailed to a Roman cross by his own people.  For hours he hung in agony, stakes driven through his hands and feet, speared in the side, suffocating slowly.  But that wasn’t even the worst part.  Jesus had to experience full separation from God, His Father.  After all, he had to take the punishment deserved by human beings in full; human beings, by their sinful nature, deserved full, torturous severance from God’s holy, perfect spirit.  Jesus, the Son of God, died a pagan criminal’s death.  Winter set in.  All who had known and loved Jesus were devastated.  There was nothing they could do, nothing they could have done, to save their God; unbeknownst to them, He had been born for this very purpose, for human sacrifice to save all mankind.  Miserable and alone, the disciples, who now felt their lives were pointless, had no knowledge of what they should do.  This winter was a cold, harsh one.

But we’ve seen this pattern before, again and again and again.  Birth, life, death… and then resurrection.  After three days of misery, Mary and a few others found Jesus’ tomb empty, Roman guards asleep ‘like dead men’, and the enormous stone rolled away from the mouth of the burial chamber.  Two angels greeted them.  By now, they were probably a bit freaked out.  I mean, the body of their God was missing, Roman legionaries, notoriously strong, hearty, fearless men were rendered unconscious, and supernatural, rather powerful beings were at the scene of the ‘crime’.  The angel told the women: “Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here, he has risen!”  (Luke 24:5)  Now the women are REALLY excited.  They rush back to Jesus’ disciples and tell them all of the things that they had heard.  The disciples, however, did not believe the women because their words seemed ‘like nonsense’ (Luke 24:11).  But Peter and John sprinted to the tomb (Peter was a BIT faster) and found things exactly as the women had said.  The Bible says: And he (Peter) went away wondering what had happened (Luke 24:12).

Meanwhile, Jesus made his first appearance since his resurrection, as he approached two of the disciples making their way along the road to Emmaus.  However, these men were kept from recognizing Jesus (Luke 24:16).  Jesus engaged in a very interesting conversation with his new companions.  They told him of all the things that had happened in the recent days, and of their doubt regarding Jesus’ resurrection.  Jesus listened, and then rebuked them for their lack of faith.  The men still did not recognize the Lord walking with them, and hospitably offered to let Him stay with them.  Jesus accepted.  As the three were eating, Jesus ‘took the bread, gave thanks, broke it, and began to give it to them.  Then, their eyes were opened, they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.” (Luke 24:31)  Now, they knew exactly what was going on.  They hurried back the way they had come to inform the others of what was happening.

At about the same time that these two men were informing others of Jesus’ appearances, Jesus himself confirmed these rumors by showing Himself to the 11 disciples.  He greeted them pleasantly, as usual.  However, the disciples were panicked, for ‘they thought he was a ghost’ (Luke 24:37).  Jesus proved to them that He was indeed flesh and bone, eating solid food and pointing out his scars and wounds from his recent ordeal.  Jesus then ‘opened their minds’ (Luke 24:45) and began to teach them from the Scriptures.  Afterwards, Jesus led his disciples to the vicinity of Bethany, where he blessed them.  He then ascended, where he currently sits in glory with the Father.

This is the story of Easter.

Jesus still lives, and, because of this amazing story, we can live to.  Before this amazing act of mercy and love, men were doomed to live in death.  The cycle ended in an eternal, deserved winter.  The changing seasons would never finish.  But now, because of our loving God, spring comes again.  And it is an eternal spring, one that will never end.

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

And on the cross, when Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied!

Before I Go...
A Quick Blurb...

English rules...

1. 'Fat chance.'  'Slim chance.'  Fat and slim are opposites, but those two phrases mean the same thing!
2. 'That's cool!'  'That's hot!'  Hot, cold, OPPOSITES.  But, again, those previous phrases mean the same thing.
3. (If you have parents who grew up in the 80s, they'll understand this one): 'That's good!'  'That's bad!'  You know where this is going... good and bad are OPPOSITES... so why the darn heck can they be used to mean the same thing?!  Because ENGLISH RULES!

But really, since when does "break a leg' mean good luck?

--Sam Parker
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Bible corner

“Who am I?”
The question dawned on me when I was eleven years old. Who was I? What was my purpose? Who was the real Talia? At the time, I didn't know.
Around my friends, it was extremely difficult for me to be myself – whoever that was. All I knew was that the goofy girl act I pulled in front of them was not me. But for some reason, it was hard not to be that way when I was around them. “Hyper” was the word that described my “friend face,” the mask I donned when I was around my friends.
But then something changed. God reminded me of a Bible verse my summer camp leader the year before, Nora, had shared with the whole cabin:
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
God showed me that I am me – creative, talented, unique, one-of-a-kind me, and I don't have to be anyone else. He showed me that everything I truly am makes up the real me – what I like to do, what I believe, what I don't like, and so much more. I don't have to pretend to be someone else to try to please people or get them to like me. I realized that I was looking for my security in other people, in what they thought of me. But God showed me that what others think doesn't matter – what He thinks matters. I asked God to make me genuine, and each day He is doing just that.
Did you know that you are one-of-a-kind too? God made you with dreams, ideas, thoughts, hobbies, interests, dislikes, and so many more attributes and qualities that make up YOU! You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not to try to get people to like you. If they don't like you for who you truly are – a one-of-a-kind creation of God – then that is their loss.
I love who I am, and not in a conceited way. I know that God is where I find eternal security and worth and love, and that I will only be truly complete when I am resting in His arms.
--by Talia DeAndrea

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Things you don’t know about…
The Flower Color Wheel

Flowers are blooming everywhere during spring time. They are used as decorations and are put in rooms as air fresheners. But flowers are mostly used as gifts for various holidays and occasions. Many people don’t know that the different colors of flowers have their own special meanings.
Red- a red flower symbolizes love
Pink- a pink flower symbolizes happiness and joy
Orange- an orange flower symbolizes excitement and enthusiasm
Yellow- a yellow flower symbolizes friendship and lightheartedness
White- a white flower symbolizes innocence and humility
Purple- a purple flower symbolizes dignity and pride
Blue- a blue flower symbolizes peace and openness
If you were one of these flowers what color would you be?
Now you know the different meanings of these beautiful colors. So next time you buy a flower for a friend or family member, remember that the color of your flower can make a world of a difference.
--by Emma Campbell
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Ahh football, I miss football. I almost miss football as much as I’m excited for the next football season. (Did that make sense?) Oh yeah! Speaking of football; the ‘finesse goody-goody’ New Orleans Saints were caught setting bounties on their opposing team’s players. That means the Saints were paying (giving bonuses to) their defensive players to deliberately injure the opposing teams players! The players and the defensive coordinator Gregg Williams (who was the master-mind behind the whole thing) were pooling their own money to pay the bonuses! And they lied about it for three years!

 The Saints got hit hard with punishments: a one year suspension without pay for the Saints head coach Sean Payton, Ex-Saints defensive coordinator and current defensive coordinator for the St. Louis Rams Gregg Williams suspended indefinitely, 500,000 dollar fine for the organization, the General Manager Mickey Loomis was also suspended without pay for the first eight games of the 2012 season, the assistant head coach Joe Vitt is is suspended without pay for the first six  games, and finally, the Saints forfeit their second-round draft picks for 2012 and 2013!

As I’m writing this...word is spreading across America that the future Hall-of-Famer Peyton Manning (a former Indianapolis Colt) is now a Denver Bronco! The Broncos then traded their beloved Tim Tebow to the New York Jets.

In the NBA...the Chicago Bulls and the Miami Heat are dominating the Eastern Conference, and the Oklahoma City Thunder are leading the West. Also, in an odd turn of events, New York Knicks head coach Mike D’Antoni up and resigned midway through the season.

Aren’t you excited for the upcoming baseball season?! Okay okay, you probably not. But I am! I’m also probably the only 14 year old in America that has a Fantasy Baseball team. My Seattle Mariners are kicking of the 2012 season the 28th of March IN JAPAN!

--Athletically Yours,
          Nathan Woodruff

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Music… it means so many different things to so many different people. For me, music is a getaway from my normal life, escaping to a place of beauty… all of the instruments above are my own, and each one puts me in a different mood. How does music influence you?

--by Kiera Sterken

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Short story
Part VI.
A man has just convinced the people to ignore the magical boats, and find safety inside the shelter…but Meredith knows he is wrong.

Meredith looked around her, as the people swam into the shelter and disappeared inside.  She watched helplessly as one by one, they left her as if she no longer mattered.
Tanya turned to Meredith, seeming distressed.  “I’m sorry,” she said.  “I have to go with them.”
Meredith shook her head in disbelief.
“You have to come too,” Tanya said.
“No!” Meredith cried, her voice suddenly strong.  “I will not go with those…those ungrateful people!  I am not their leader and I am not meant to be!  It’s time for me to go home.”
The oars began to row again, taking her farther and farther downstream.  Tanya watched from inside the shelter, seeming sorry to see her go.
“Goodbye!” Meredith called, feeling guilty.  Tanya waved her hand in friendship; Meredith nodded, turned around, and didn’t look back.

* * *

Meredith jerked awake.  She’d fallen asleep?  She didn’t remember.
She found herself leaning against a gnarled tree, sitting in soft green grass, the wind rippling through her hair.  The family orchard grew all around her, and the blue sky stretched out across the horizon, calm and comforting.
Meredith stretched and found her sketchbook lying beside her.  She picked up her pen and paper, and aimlessly as her mind wandered elsewhere.  Hadn’t she dreamed of something?  And someone?
Glancing down at her paper, Meredith realized she’d drawn a castle.  Adding a few finishing touches, she turned the page and drew a river with a building beside it.  The picture seemed to be missing something – she added in a rowboat for good measure.
She heard her mother call from far away.  Grabbing up her sketchbook, she ran towards the house and arrived just in time for dinner.

* * *

Meredith slept in the next morning, uncharacteristic of her usual rule-oriented self.  Instead of rising at 6:30 as she always did, she hit the snooze button and slept until 9:00.  She reminded herself that it was summertime.
Stumbling out to the kitchen in a bathrobe, she poured herself a bowl of cereal and grabbed an orange.  Sipping a glass of juice, she reached into her bag of library books and pulled out the first one she found.  Meriel.
Strange.  She hadn’t checked out that book.  But the book looked interesting, so she opened it.
The book was blank.
Well, not exactly.
The centers of the pages had been cut out, so the book was hollow.  Inside, there lay a letter.
As if abruptly remembering something from long ago, she opened the letter with an peculiar sense of dread.

We’ve been captured by rebels soldiers.  If you are willing, come.  If not, I forgive you.

Everything rushed back to her.  She’d forgotten Meriel…but now, her choice to leave the people at the shelter had come back to her.  And yet, despite her mistake, Tanya’s letter seemed to offer her a second chance.
Meredith stared at the letter, her face troubled.  Inside herself, two voices warred against each other.
Why should she go to Meriel?  It was not her country.  She was not supposed to be its heroine.  Why should she be responsible for people she cared nothing for?
Why shouldn’t she go?  How could she choose to miss an opportunity to help others?  They needed her.  Finally, she was needed and wanted.  And now she did not want to go.
Meredith physically shook her head, lost in the decision she must make.  Time in Meriel seemed different than time on Earth.  What was happening now in Meriel, to Tanya and the people?  Perhaps it was already too late.
Then you don’t have to go, one voice said.
Then you must hurry, the other urged.
Meredith ran to her room, planning to turn up her favorite classical music, curl up in a chair, and try to sleep.  But she tripped over a barricade of books in front of her doorway.
Then she remembered.  Before she’d rushed outdoors, she’d decided to rearrange her bookshelf in alphabetical order.  So, she’d pulled every book out, and laid it on her floor.  She tripped over a stack, which avalanched over.  One book in particular fell open and slid right in front of her.
The book was her Bible.
Open to Philippians.
Philippians chapter 2, to be exact.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.  Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others.

There was her answer.
“All right,” Meredith said aloud, as if making a solemn vow to herself.  “I’ll go back.”

To be continued…

--by Kara Siert
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Word of the month
1. Having a stale smell; moldy; musty.
2. Old-fashioned or out-of-date, as architecture, furnishings, or the like.
3. Stubbornly conservative or old-fashioned; fogyish.
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Kiera Sterken –

Talia DeAndrea –

Sam Parker –

Kara Siert –

Emma Campbell –

Nate Woodruff –

Also, we have a blog!!! Visit us at